Last Saturday Jordan and Grandpa Paul went to a kids conservation day sponsored by the DNR and local hunting and archery groups. Jordan had a great time and got to fire a number of rifles, shotguns and bows.
Since the weather has been cooler Alex, Kendra and I have been going to Priaire park in the morning. It is right behind Grandma Ginny's house so Zeke gets to go to the park with us!
Jordan started 4th grade on Sept 4. Alex needed to pose with his big brother. At school they raised the flag, said the Pledge of Allegiance and sang the national anthem. Alex didn't want to leave his brother there!
While Chad visited with Floyd, the boys and I went to the Naibi Zoo in Coal Valley, Il with Grandma Carol, Chrissy, Loren, Ty, Bob and Charlene. The zoo was small but you could get up close and personal with most of the animals.
Alex made friends with a pot bellied pig that he decided needed to be released...
and these wallabys were only on the other side of the rope so Alex thought he needed to join them!
We went to the Como Zoo on Wednesday 8/22 with Michelle and the girls. All of the kids had a great time watching the polar bears, the sea lion show and the monkeys. Cassie and Jordan were a big help with the little kids!
On Sunday of our weekend it finally quit raining and the kids were able to play with the dirtbike at Uncle Carl's house. Jordan, Katie and Alex all took turns riding. Jordan helped drive the lawnmower so Jesse could pack up his fishing equipment.
On August 18 we went to Wisconsin for the weekend to spend time with Carl, Roxie, Lylea, John and thier families. Jordan and Alex got to meet and play with cousins they haven't seen in a while.