Friday, January 04, 2008

Happy Birthday Alex and Uncle Lyle!!

Dec 28 is Lyle's birthday and Dec 29 Alex turned 2 so we celebrated together when Mom, Dad and Katie returned from their european vacation. Alex was a little under the weather as you can tell from his eyes in the pics but he was a good sport and blew out his candles like a champ!

Science Museum Fun

During the long break Jordan and I went to the Science Museum of MN with Rose, Julia, Emma and Cassie to take in the Pompeii exhibit. We really enjoyed the exhibit and I think Jordan thought it was really cool that we had just been to Pompeii, Italy on our trip so he could tell Cassie and Julia about things in the exhibit. I do think the kids enjoyed the hands on stuff in the rest of the museum better than Pompeii tho as they could touch everything!

Santa and the Wii

After a brief scavenger hunt Jordan was rewarded with a Wii from Santa. I know it said Jordan's name on it but we all enjoyed playing the new games...especially bowling and boxing. Who knew that you had to be in shape to play video games?!?!

Family Fun with the Wii

Alex's Gifts

Alex got some fun gifts...This talking/repeating parrot is one of his favorites (Thanks Maggie!) it will repeat what you say in a high pitched voice and Alex loves it!
Jordan bought Alex a stuffed pig of his very own! Jordan has a pig he received when he was about 3 and every chance Alex got he would try to steal "Babe". Now there will be no more fights about swine in our house!
I found this accordian and Alex loves it. He is very musically inclined and loves to play it and his little drum.

Merry Christmas from the Carews

Merry Christmas and Best wishes for the New Year from the Carews!

Sunday, December 30, 2007

Christmas Cookies

Maggie came over on Christmas Eve Day to help bake and decorate cookies with the boys. Jordan was a big help and Alex tried to help. He started with frosting the cookies Maggie brought with her and ended up eating a small taste, then took another bite...until he had eaten the whole bowl of frosting then chased the frosting with some water he spooned out of the dog's bowl.

School Christmas Concert

This year Jordan's school concert for Christmas was titled: "Jesus, God's Gift to Us at Christmas." They sang song from all over the world about God's great gift to all the world. Jordan and Julia posed for me outside in front of the beautiful Christmas tree set up in the church Narthex.



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